Freedom Ai


Effortless Booking for Service-Based Businesses

Simplify Scheduling, Boost Efficiency, and Grow Your Reputation

Seamlessly Manage Appointments with Our Feature-Rich Solution!

  • Custom Landing Page

    - High-converting design

    - Mobile-friendly and responsive

  • Booking System

    - Syncs with Google Calendar

    - Easy appointment management

  • Payment Processing

    - Secure Stripe integration

    - Upfront fee collection

  • Automated Communications

    - Confirmation and reminder messages

    - Google review requests

"Did you know that on average, businesses lose approximately 20% of potential revenue from missed appointments or no-shows?"

Our appointment cost calculator helps you understand the financial impact and potential revenue loss.

Appointment Cost Calculator

Appointment Cost Calculator

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The Edge You Need for Your Business

Hassle-Free Booking

Custom Landing Page: A professional, high-converting landing page tailored to your business.

Integrated Booking System: Seamlessly sync with your Google Calendar to manage appointments with ease.

Automated Customer Engagement

Confirmation Messages: Instantly confirm bookings to keep customers informed.

Appointment Reminders: Reduce no-shows with automated reminders.

Google Review Requests: Boost your online reputation with automated review requests.

Secure Payment Processing

Stripe Integration: Secure and efficient payment processing, ensuring you collect fees upfront.

Meet Our Versatile Customers

Small Business Owner

Massage Therapists


Healthcare Practitioner

Fitness Trainer


Barber Shops

Personal Coach

Insurance Agent


Educational Consultant


Our Customer Results Speak for Themselves



The integration with Google Calendar is seamless, and the automated Google review requests have boosted our online presence. Highly recommend!



Your service has completely transformed how we manage bookings. The automated reminders have significantly reduced no-shows, and our customers appreciate the added convenience!


Transform your appointment-based business with our comprehensive solution.

Scheduling Pro

  • Custom Landing Page

  • Integrated Booking System

  • Google Calendar Sync

  • Secure Stripe Payment Processing

  • Automated Confirmation Messages

  • Appointment Reminders

  • Google Review Requests

  • Ongoing Support


+ Initial Setup Fee: $2500

Discover the Power of Our Advanced Scheduling Software

Unlock Your Business Potential. Request a Free Demo Now!

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